Contributors to The Overview

Hi y'all! I'm Yuji, a PhD student at Stanford Aero/Astro. I graduated from Georgia Tech with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering. Over the past two summers, I interned at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

My passion is establishing an infrastructure in space as an economic domain. From astrodynamics to operations research to spacecraft autonomy, I'd love to share some thoughts on future space utilization.

Outside of classes, I love watching NBA, reading sci-fi, .... and plotting trajectories! I am also an international student from Japan, so hit me up if you want to talk about how to make your space dream come true internationally!

Hi, I’m Mark and I’m an Aero Astro Master’s student at Stanford University from Chicago, Illinois.

I previously completed my undergraduate in Aero Astro engineering at Purdue where I was involved in the rocket team and propulsion research. Along the way, I’ve interned at many different aerospace companies large and small and was a 2023 Isakowitz Fellow.

In my non-space related free time you can find me climbing, playing softball or football, hiking, or losing a game of Civilization.